What problem does this solve ?

The challenge is to help people avoid missing compliance deadlines. Doing so costs them money,  their reputation and sometimes leads to accidents and legal consequences These compliance issues are so varied that it is not possible to write software to anticipate them...

Steam rally

Introduction A steam rally I don’t know how to organise a steam rally. But the exhibitors probably need to provide things like insurance,  boiler certificates and driving licences. The rides on the fair ground will need to be inspected and insured. Outdoor...

Landlords can track compliance issues

Introduction For landlords Landlords with big portfolios use expensive bespoke apps to manage their properties. Our system on the other hand is useful for small scale amateur property owners who need reminders about gas safety checks, insurance, cleaning etc  ...

How to import using a spreadsheet

How to Import your own information using a spreadsheet You can upload your own data using a spreadsheet, but you’ll need to follow a few conventions so that we can process it. This is an example of what the spreadsheet should look like. The conventions to follow...


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