
Ambridge Gliding Club

High above the fictional characters of ‘The Archers’,  soar the gliders of the Ambridge Gliding Club.  People often ask how this fictional club manages to run so efficently, here is how.

  • Pilots receive timely emails about refresher training as it becomes due.
  • The Chief Flying Instructor has a matrix showing the status of each pilots annual refresher training.
  • The maintenance team have a central place to record schedules for glider inspections.
  • Documents like medical declarations, airworthiness certificates, photos of repairs and insurance certificates are stored online.
  • Responsibilities are clearly assigned for each kind of pilot and type of equipment.

An overview of pilot training

Gliding clubs are responsible for deciding whether a pilot can fly from the club, solo or dual.   Most pilots have to carry out annual refresher flights to show an instructor that their judgement and reactions are safe. 

Glider maintainance

Each row is a glider, named using their call sign. Gliders have Certificates of Airworthiness which must be reviewed annually, resulting in an Airworthiness Review Certificate, ARC.  Gliders with a radio need to have a matching licence.

Clear responsibilities

Once you have grouped your compliance critical items into groups, its an easy step to assign the people responsible for overseeing compliance.

In this example, Dan Archer is responsible for pilot training.

Clicking on a name will take you to the form below and let you change the responsibilities.


Airfield buildings

Here the club house and hanger have been listed together with dates for the next checks on fire safety, security alarm and business insurance renewal.

The alarm test on the hanger is overdue.

Clicking on that red text (with the warning triangle) takes you to a form to update the insurance record.